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Upgrade using Standalone Packages

Make a full backup (or dump if possible) of your database. Move the database configuration file, my.cnf, to another direction to save it. Stop the server with /etc/init.d/mysql stop.

  1. Remove the installed packages with their dependencies: sudo apt autoremove percona-server percona-client

  2. Do the required modifications in the database configuration file my.cnf.

  3. Download the following packages for your architecture:

    • percona-server-server

    • percona-server-client

    • percona-server-common

    • libperconaserverclient21

    The following example will download Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.29-21 release packages for Debian 11.0:

    $ wget
  4. Unpack the bundle to get the packages: tar xvf Percona-Server-8.0.29-21-rc59f87d2854-bullseye-x86_64-bundle.tar.

    After you unpack the bundle, you should see the following packages:

    $ ls *.deb
    Expected output
  5. Install Percona Server for MySQL:

    $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

    This command installs the packages from the bundle. Another option is to download or specify only the packages you need for running Percona Server for MySQL installation (libperconaserverclient21-dev_8.0.29-21-1.bullseye_amd64.deb, percona-server-client-8.0.29-21-1.bullseye_amd64.deb, percona-server-common-8.0.29-21-1.bullseye_amd64.deb, and percona-server-server-8.0.29-21-1.bullseye_amd64.deb.


    When installing packages manually, you must resolve all the dependencies and install missing packages yourself. At least the following packages should be installed before installing Percona Server for MySQL 8.0: * libmecab2, * libjemalloc1, * zlib1g-dev, * libaio1.

  6. Running the upgrade:

    Starting with Percona Server 8.0.16-7, mysql_upgrade is deprecated. The functionality moved to the mysqld binary which automatically runs the upgrade process, if needed. If you attempt to run mysql_upgrade, no operation happens and the following message appears: “The mysql_upgrade client is now deprecated. The actions executed by the upgrade client are now done by the server.” To find more information, see MySQL Upgrade Process Upgrades

    If you are upgrading to a Percona Server for MySQL version before 8.0.16-7, the installation script does not run automatically mysql_upgrade. You must run mysql_upgrade manually.

    $ mysql_upgrade
    Expected output
    Checking if update is needed.
    Checking server version.
    Running queries to upgrade MySQL server.
    Checking system database.
    mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
    mysql.db                                           OK
    mysql.engine_cost                                  OK
    Upgrade process completed successfully.
    Checking if update is needed.
  7. Restart the service with service mysql restart. After the service has been successfully restarted use the new Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

  1. Check the installed packages:

    $ rpm -qa | grep percona-server
    Expected output

    You may have the shared-compat package, which is required for compatibility.

  2. Remove the packages without dependencies with rpm -qa | grep percona-server | xargs rpm -e --nodeps.

    It is important that you remove the packages without dependencies as many packages may depend on these (as they replace mysql) and will be removed if omitted.

    To remove the listed packages, run:

    $ rpm -qa | grep '^mysql-'| xargs rpm -e --nodeps`
  3. Download the packages of the desired series for your architecture from the download page. The easiest way is to download the bundle which contains all the packages. The following example downloads Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.29-21 release packages for CentOS 8:

    $ wget
  4. Unpack the bundle to get the packages

    $ tar xvf Percona-Server-8.0.29-21-rc59f87d2854-el8-x86_64-bundle.tar

    After you unpack the bundle, you should see the following packages: ls \*.rpm

  5. Install Percona Server for MySQL:

    $ sudo rpm -ivh percona-server-server-8.0.29-21.1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    > percona-server-client-8.0.29-21.1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    > percona-server-shared-8.0.29-21.1.el8.x86_64.rpm \
    > percona-server-shared-compat-8.0.29-21.1.el8.x86_64.rpm

    This command installs only packages required to run the Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

  6. You can install all the packages (for debugging, testing, etc.) with sudo rpm -ivh \*.rpm.


    When manually installing packages, you must resolve all the dependencies and install missing ones.

  7. Modify your configuration file, my.cnf, and install the plugins if necessary. If you are using the TokuDB storage engine you must comment out all the TokuDB specific variables in your configuration file(s) before starting the server, otherwise, the server will not start.

RHEL/CentOS automatically backs up the previous configuration file to /etc/my.cnf.rpmsave and installs the default my.cnf. After the upgrade/install process completes you can move the old configuration file back (after you remove all the unsupported system variables).

  1. The schema of the grant table has changed, the server must be started without reading the grants. Add a line to my.cnf in the [mysqld] section,

Restart the mysql server with service mysql start.

  1. Running the upgrade:

    Starting with Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.16-7, mysql_upgrade is deprecated. After this version, no operation occurs and this utility generates a message. The mysqld binary automatically runs the upgrade process if needed.

    To find more information, see MySQL Upgrade Process Upgrades

    If you are upgrading to a Percona Server for MySQL version before 8.0.16-7, run mysql_upgrade to migrate to the new grant tables and rebuild the required indexes and do the required modifications.

  2. Restart the server with service mysql restart. After the service has been successfully restarted you can use the new Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

Last update: 2025-03-13